General information

Contacts can be created and edited.

Contacts can be created and edited. The contacts from the mobile phone are displayed as well if this function is supported by the mobile phone. Addresses can be adopted as destinations for navigation and the phone numbers can be dialed.

    See also:

    Due to technical factors associated with their manufacture, tires do not achieve their full traction potential until after an initial breaking-in period. Drive conservatively for the first 200 mi ...

    Run-flat tires
    Label RSC label on the tire sidewall. The wheels are composed of special rims and tires that are self-supporting, to a limited degree. The support of the sidewall allows the tire to remain dr ...

    Radar sensors
    The radar sensors are located under the rear bumper. The system may not be fully functional in the following situations: ▷ Dirty or icy bumper. ▷ Stickers on the bumper. A Check ...