General information
The list of dialed numbers in the mobile phone is transmitted to the vehicle depending on the mobile phone. Possibly only those numbers are displayed that were dialed from the vehicle.
The 20 phone numbers dialed last are displayed.
The sorting order of the phone numbers depends on the particular mobile phone.
Dialing the number via the iDrive
1. "Telephone"
2. "Redial"
Dialing the number via the iDrive
3. Select the desired entry and the phone number if necessary.
The connection is established.
Saving an entry in the contacts
1. Highlight the entry.
2. Open "Options".
3. "Store as new contact" or "Add to existing contact"
4. Select "New phone number" or contact.
5. Select t he type of number:
"Business", "Mobile", or "Other"
6. Complete the entries if necessary.
7. If necessary, "Store contact in vehicle".
See also:
System limits
Sudden tire damage
Sudden serious tire damage caused by
external influences cannot be indicated in advance.◀
A natural, even pressure loss in all four tires cannot
be detected. Therefore ...
Adjusting manually
Pull the lever and slide the seat into the desired
position. After releasing the lever, move the seat
forward or back slightly to make sure it engages
prope ...
Drawing cues from the 7 Series, the 5 Series' climate-control readouts use
BMW's Black Panel technology to appear out of dark panels without the brightened
look of traditional electroluminescent d ...