
Comfort Access may not function properly if it experiences interference from external sources such as mobile phones, metal objects, overhead power lines, transmission towers, etc.

In this case, open or close the vehicle using the buttons on the remote control or use the integrated key in the door lock.

If there is a malfunction, open the trunk lid with the remote control button or with the button on the trunk lid.

    See also:

    Changing, maintaining, and storing the speed
    The rocker switch can be pressed while the system is interrupted to maintain and store the current speed. DSC Dynamic Stability Control is switched on, if necessary. Adapting the desired s ...

    Signal tones
    When approaching an object, an intermittent tone is sounded that indicates the position of the object. For example, if an object is detected to the left rear of the vehicle, a signal tone sounds ...

    BMW 320d: powerful torque, outstanding smoothness and further improved fuel efficiency
    The new-generation BMW 3-Series Sedan features the BMW TwinPower Turbo four-cylinder diesel engine of its predecessor, which has been honed for even greater fuel economy and lower emissions with n ...