Roadside Assistance

At a glance

BMW Roadside Assistance can be contacted if assistance is needed in the event of a breakdown.

Roadside Assistance can also be contacted via a Check Control message.

Start Roadside Assistance without BMW Assist or TeleServices

1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive".

2. "Roadside Assistance"

The Roadside Assistance number is displayed.

If the mobile phone is paired, a connection is established to Roadside Assistance.

Start Roadside Assistance with BMW

Start Roadside Assistance with BMW Assist or TeleServices

General information

If the vehicle is equipped with TeleServices, support is first offered through TeleService Diagnosis and, where applicable, then through TeleService Help.

1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive".

2. "Roadside Assistance".

3. "Start service"

TeleService Diagnosis

TeleService Diagnosis

TeleService Diagnosis enables the wireless transmission of detailed vehicle data that are important for vehicle diagnosis. These data are transmitted automatically.

After the data are transmitted, the voice connection to Roadside Assistance is re-established.

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