The concept

Night Vision with pedestrian detection is a night vision system.

An infrared camera records the area in front of the vehicle and displays the image on the Control Display.

The picture is a heat image. The system has an integrated pedestrian detection function that detects pedestrians and cyclists. Warm objects that are similar in shape to human beings are detected by the system.

Night Vision cannot replace the driver's Personal responsibility
Night Vision cannot replace the driver's personal judgment of the visibility conditions and the traffic situation. The view ahead and the actual visibility conditions must always be the basis on which the vehicle speed is adjusted; otherwise, there is a risk to road safety.◀

    See also:

    Having possible commands read aloud
    You can have the available commands read out loud for you: ›Voice commands‹ For example, if the "Settings" menu is displayed, the commands for the settings are read out loud. ...

    Saying the entries
    ▷ The town/city, street, and house number can be entered as a single command. ▷ Spell the entry if the spoken language and the language of the system differ. ▷ Say the letters ...

    Distance to back of head: electrical head restraints
    The head restraint is automatically repositioned when the shoulder support is adjusted. ...