Entering a phone number
Dialing a number
When entering phone numbers, you can switch between entering letters and numbers.
Service numbers can be entered more easily, e. g. 1-888-BMW-CARD.
1. "Telephone"
2. "Dial number"
3. Select the digits individually.
4. Convert to letters as required.
Select the symbol.
Select the letters individually.
5. Select the symbol.
Select symbol to convert to numbers.
The phone number can also be entered by voice.
Only numbers can be spoken.
Letter/number assignment
See also:
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Mounting points
LATCH mounting eyes
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LATCH retaining strap to secure child restraint
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Functional requirements
There are no external sources of interference
To lock the vehicle, the remote control must
be located outside of the vehicle.
The next unlocking and locking cycle is not
possib ...