Entering letters and numbers
General information
1. Turn the controller: select letters or numbers.
2. Select additional letters or numbers if
3. "OK": confirm the entry.
Switching between cases, letters and numbers
Depending on the menu, you can switch between entering upper and lower case, letters and numbers:
Entry comparison
Entry of names and addresses: the selection is narrowed down every time a letter is entered and letters may be added automatically.
The entries are continuously compared to the data stored in the vehicle.
► Only those letters are offered during the entry
for which data is available.
► Destination search: town/city names can be
entered using the spelling of language available
on the Control Display.
See also:
This chapter contains technical data, short
commands for the voice activation system, and an
index that will quickly take you to the information
you need. ...
Deactivating HDC
Press the button again and the
LED goes
out. HDC is automatically deactivated
above approx. 37 mph/60 km/h. ...
Active steering
The conceptActive steering varies the turning angle of the front wheels in relation to steering
wheel movements. It also varies the steering force required to turn the wheels depending
on the spee ...