Information in detail


Displays the estimated cruising range available with the remaining fuel.

It is calculated based on your driving style over the last 20 miles/30 km.

Average fuel consumption

This is calculated for the period during which the engine is running.

The average fuel consumption is calculated on the basis of various distances.

Average speed

Periods in which the vehicle is parked with the engine manually stopped do not enter into the calculation of the average speed.

Resetting average values

Press and hold the computer button on the turn signal lever.

Distance to destination

The distance remaining to the destination is displayed if a destination is entered in the navigation system before the trip is started.

The distance to the destination is adopted automatically.

Time of arrival

is The estimated time of arrival is displayed if a destination is entered in the navigation system before the trip is started.

The time must be correctly set.

Speed limit detection

Description of the speed limit detection, refer to page 78, function

    See also:

    General information
    Your vehicle contains advanced technology for the reduction of fuel consumption and emissions. Fuel consumption depends on a number of different factors. The implementation of certain measures ...

    Ventilation in the rear
    Ventilation in the rear ▷ Thumbwheel for opening and closing the vents continuously, arrow 1. ▷ Thumbwheel to vary the temperature, arrow 2. Toward blue: colder. Toward red: warm ...

    Start/Stop button
    Pressing the Start/Stop button switches radio readiness or the ignition on or off. Manual transmission: if you press the Start/Stop button and depress the clutch, the engine starts. Automatic ...