With the Professional navigationsystem: map view for split screen

The map view can be selected for the split screen independently from the main screen.

1. Open "Options".
2. "Split screen"
3. Move the controller to the right repeatedly until the split screen is selected.
4. Select "Split screen content" or the scale.
5. Select the map view.

► "Arrow display"
► "Map facing north"
► "Map direction of travel"
► "Map view with perspective"
► "Position"
► "Exit ramp view": selected blind driveways are displayed three dimensionally.

Setting in some cases will affect the display in the Head-Up Display.

► "Traffic conditions/gray map"

6. To change the scale: select the split screen and turn the controller.

    See also:

    Text messages
    Text messages in combination with a symbol in the instrument cluster explain a Check Control message and the meaning of the indicator and warning lamps. ...

    Setting the language To set the language on the Control Display: 1. "Settings" 2. "Language/Units" 3. "Language:" 4. Select the desired language. The setting is s ...

    Switching the microphone to mute
    When a call is active, the microphone can be muted. 1. "Telephone" 2. "Active calls" 3. "Microphone mute" A microphone that has been switched to mute is automatic ...