Concierge service

General information

The BMW Assist Concierge service offers information on events, gas stations or hotels, and provides phone numbers and addresses. Hotels can be booked directly by the BMW Assist Concierge service. The Concierge service is part of the optional BMW Convenience Plan.

Starting the Concierge service

1. "BMW Assist" or "ConnectedDrive"
2. "Concierge"

3. "Start service"

3. "Start service" A voice connection is established with the BMW Assist Concierge service. Phone numbers and addresses can be transmitted to the vehicle.

    See also:

    Current office
    The number of unread messages and active tasks as well as upcoming appointments are displayed. 1.  "Office" 2.  "Current office" 3.  Selecting the desired entry ...

    Calling up the desired speed and distance
    While driving Press the button with the system switched on. In the following cases, the stored speed value is deleted and cannot be called up again: When the system is switched off. When ...

    Possible commands
    Having possible commands read aloud The commands available in each case depend on the menu item selected on the Control Display. To have the available commands read out loud: ›Voice commands‹ F ...