General information
Refuel promptly
Refuel no later than at a range of 30 miles/50 km, or operation of the engine is
not ensured and damage may occur.◄
See also:
Securing cargo
▷ Smaller and lighter items: secure with retaining
straps, the floor net or draw straps.
▷ Larger and heavy objects: secure with cargo
Attach the cargo straps, retaining stra ...
CD/DVD player and changer
Do not remove the cover
BMW CD/DVD players and changers are
officially designated Class 1 laser products. Do
not operate if the cover is damaged; otherwise,
severe eye ...
FTM Flat Tire Monitor
The concept
The system does not measure the actual inflation
pressure in the tires.
It detects a pressure loss in a tire by comparing
the rotational speeds of the individual wheels
while moving ...