General information
The engine oil consumption is dependent on the driving style and driving conditions.
Therefore, regularly check the engine oil level after refueling.
See also:
Automatic Service Request
Data regarding the maintenance status or legally
mandated inspections of the vehicle are automatically
transmitted to your service center before
a service due date.
You can check when your serv ...
DTMF suffix dialing
DTMF suffix dialing can be used for gaining access
to network services or for controlling devices,
e.g., to make a remote inquiry of an answering
machine. The DTMF code is needed for this
purp ...
Auto Start-Stop, Brake Energy Regeneration, ECO PRO mode
The new BMW 3-Series Sedan is equipped as standard with an Auto Start-Stop
function, which automatically switches off the engine during short stops at
traffic lights or in stationary traffic, so a ...