Navigation data

Information on the navigation data

1. "Navigation"

2. Open "Options".

3. "Navigation system version": information on the data version is displayed.

Updating the navigation data

General information

Navigation data and authorization codes are available from your service center. Navigation data are stored in the vehicle and can be updated.

  • Depending on the data volume, a data update may take several hours.
  • Update during the trip to preserve battery.
  • During the update, only the basic functions of the navigation system are available.
  • The status of the update can be viewed.
  • The system restarts after the update.
  • The data carrier with the navigation data can be removed after the update is complete.

Perform an update

1. Insert the navigation DVD into the DVD player with the labeled side facing up.

2. Follow the instructions on the Control Display.

3. Enter the authorization code of the navigation DVD and change the DVD if needed. After interrupting your trip, follow the instructions on the Control Display.

Viewing the status

1. 2. "Navigation update" Press the button.

2. "Navigation update"

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