Traffic Jump

Traffic and weather information for a selected region is broadcast every few minutes.

Selecting a region

1. "Radio"
2. "Satellite radio"
3. Open "Options".
4. "Set jump"
5. Select the desired region.

The region is stored for the remote control currently in use.

Activating/deactivating the jump

1. "Radio"
2. "Satellite radio"
3. Information for the selected region is broadcast "Jump to:"
Information for the selected region is broadcast as soon as it is available.

A new panel opens.

Canceling the Traffic Jump: "Cancel".

Select one of the symbols to deactivate Traffic

Select one of the symbols to deactivate Traffic Jump.

    See also:

    System limits
    Sudden tire damage Sudden serious tire damage caused by external influences cannot be indicated in advance.◀ A natural, even pressure loss in all four tires cannot be detected. Therefore, ...

    Opening the main menu
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    Environmental conditions
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