General information
The list of dialed numbers in the mobile phone is transmitted to the vehicle depending on the mobile phone. The 20 phone numbers dialed last are displayed. The sorting order of the phone numbers depends on the particular mobile phone.
Dialing the number via the instrument cluster
This is possible when there is no active call.
Press the button on the steering
2. Select the desired phone number.
The connection is established.
Dialing a number via iDrive
1. "Telephone"
2. "Redial"
3. Select the desired entry and the phone number
if necessary.
The connection is established.
Saving an entry in the contacts
1. Highlight the entry.
2. Open "Options".
3. "Store as new contact" or "Add to existing
4. Select
"New phone number" or contact.
5. Select the type of number: "Home",
"Business", "Mobile" or "Other"
6. Complete the entries if necessary.
7. If necessary, "Store contact in vehicle".
See also:
The concept
backup camera, refer to page 112, can be
switched on.
PDC supports you when parking. A slow approach
to an object in front of or behind your vehicle
is announced by:
▷ Signal tones.
Start/Stop button
The concept
Pressing the Start/Stop button
switches the ignition on or off and
starts the engine.
The engine starts if the brake
pedal is pressed when you press
the Start/Stop button. ...
Children in the vehicle
Do not leave children unattended in the
vehicle; otherwise, they could endanger themselves
and other persons, e.g., by opening the
doors. ...