General information
The list of dialed numbers in the mobile phone is transmitted to the vehicle depending on the mobile phone. The 20 phone numbers dialed last are displayed. The sorting order of the phone numbers depends on the particular mobile phone.
Dialing the number via the instrument cluster
This is possible when there is no active call.
Press the button on the steering
2. Select the desired phone number.
The connection is established.
Dialing a number via iDrive
1. "Telephone"
2. "Redial"
3. Select the desired entry and the phone number
if necessary.
The connection is established.
Saving an entry in the contacts
1. Highlight the entry.
2. Open "Options".
3. "Store as new contact" or "Add to existing
4. Select
"New phone number" or contact.
5. Select the type of number: "Home",
"Business", "Mobile" or "Other"
6. Complete the entries if necessary.
7. If necessary, "Store contact in vehicle".
See also:
Using voice activation
Activating the voice activation system
1. Press the button on the
2. Wait for the signal.
3. Say the command.
The command appears on the Control Display.
The symbol on the C ...
Brake assistant
When you apply the brakes rapidly, this system
automatically produces the maximum braking
force boost. It thus helps to achieve the shortest
possible braking distance during full braking.
This ...