General information

The channels are offered in predefined packages. The packages must be enabled by telephone.

Navigation bar overview

The functions of the navigation bar symbols can also be stored on the programmable

The functions of the navigation bar symbols can also be stored on the programmable memory buttons.

    See also:

    Selecting the sorting order of the names
    Names can be displayed in a different order. 1. "Office". 2. "Contacts". 3. Open "Options". 4. "Display: last, first name" or "Display: first, last n ...

    System limits
    Speed range Best results are achieved when using the system on well-developed roads and highways. The desired speed can be selected between 20 mph/30 km/h to 110 mph/180 km/h. The system can a ...

    Head restraints
    Correctly adjusted head restraintA correctly adjusted head restraint reduces the risk of neck injury in the event of an accident. Adjust the head restraint in such a way that its center is at ap ...