
Displaying calendar

Appointments from the last 20 days and the next 50 days can be displayed.

1.  "Office"
2.  "Calendar"

Appointments of the current day are displayed.

Selecting calendar day

1.  Select date.

2.  Select desired day or date.

2.  Select desired day or date.

> "Next day"
> "Date:"
> "Previous day"
> "Today"

Displaying appointment

1.  Select the desired appointment.
2.  To scroll through appointment, if necessary:

> Turn the controller.
> Select the symbol.  Using contact data symbol.

Using contact data

Contact data from appointments, tasks, text messages, emails, and notes can be stored or selected.

Reading an appointment aloud

Reading an appointment aloud.

    See also:

    Map view for split screen
    The map view can be selected for the split screen independently from the main screen. 1. Open "Options". 2. "Split screen" 3. Move the controller to the right repeatedly unt ...

    Menu navigation
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