Mounts for the lower LATCH anchors
Correctly engage the lower LATCH anchors
Make sure that the lower LATCH anchors have
properly engaged and that the child restraint fixing
system is resting snugly against the backrest;
otherwise, the degree of protection offered
may be reduced.◀
Mounts for the lower LATCH anchors
The mounts for the lower LATCH anchors are located at the points indicated by the arrows.
See also:
Map view for split screen
The map view can be selected for the split
screen independently from the main screen.
1. Open "Options".
2. "Split screen"
3. Move the controller to the right repeatedly
unt ...
Safety belts
Seats with safety belt
The vehicle has five seats, each of which is
equipped with a safety belt.
Always make sure that safety belts are being
worn by all occupants before driving away.
Diesel particulate filter
Soot particles are collected in the diesel particulate
filter and periodically burned away at high
During the cleaning period of several minutes:
▷ The engine may temporarily ...