Entering a town/city
1. Select "Town/City/Postal Code" or the displayed town/city.
Town/City/Postal Code
2. Select letters, if necessary.
The list is narrowed down further with each entry.
3. Move the controller to the right.
4. Select the name of the town/city from the list.
If there are several towns/cities with the same name:
1. Change to the list of town/city names.
2. Highlight the town/city.
3. Select the town/city.
See also:
Gear shift indicator
The concept
The system recommends the most fuel efficient
gear in the current driving situation.
Indicators to shift up or down are displayed in
the instrument cluster.
▷ Do not cover lower screen edge, since this
is where the sensors and the infrared interface
are installed.
▷ When loading the rear seats and adjusting
the backrest of the front sea ...
Address book
Create contacts ...