Storing a trip

Up to 30 trips can be stored in the trip list. If necessary, delete existing trips to be able to store new trips.

1. Open "Options".

2. "Store trip"

3. Enter a name for the trip.

4. "OK"

    See also:

    Switching on automatically
    With the engine running or the ignition switched on, shift the selector lever into position R. The image of the rear view camera is displayed when the system has been switched on using iDrive. ...

    Displaying stored Check Control messages
    1. "Vehicle Info" 2. "Vehicle status" 3. "Check Control" 4. Select the text message. ...

    X5 Diesel in the Market
    From a driver's perspective, the diesel X5 is a worthy effort: quick on its feet and agile when it needs to be, yet comfortable for the long haul. Well-to-do families might still give it a look — ...