Bypassing a section of the route

Calculate a new route for a route section.

1. "Navigation"

2. "Route information"

3. "New route for"

New route for
New route for

4. Turn the controller. Enter the number of kilometers within which you would like to return to the original route.

5. Press the controller.

See also:

Destination entry by map
Selecting the destination 1. "Navigation" 2. "Map" The current position of the vehicle is indicated on the map. 3. "Interactive map" 4. Select the destination w ...

For better control
The indicator lamp flashes: DTC controls the drive forces and brake forces. The indicator lamp lights up: DSC and DTC has failed. DTC activated: The indicator lamp lights up and TRACTION ...

Vehicle battery
Battery careThe battery is 100 % maintenance-free, the electrolyte will last for the life of the battery when the vehicle is operated in a temperate climate. Your BMW center will be glad to advise ...