Tire inflation pressures X5 xDrive35i/X5 xDrive35d with two rows of seats

Tire inflation pressures X5 xDrive50i with two rows of seatsTire inflation pressures X5 xDrive50i with two rows of seats

    See also:

    Exclusively from BMW ConnectedDrive: a wide range of driver assistance systems, including BMW Head-Up Display with a full spectrum of colours.
    The selection of driver assistance systems and mobility services available from BMW ConnectedDrive for the new BMW 6-Series Coupe is even broader than that enjoyed by its predecessor. These system ...

    Functional requirements
    ▷ There are no external sources of interference nearby. ▷ To lock the vehicle, the remote control must be located outside of the vehicle. ▷ The next unlocking and locking cycle ...

    CD/DVD When the same audio source (front CD/DVD player, rear CD/DVD player, DVD changer) is selected in the front and rear, the same material is played. Operation is the same as for the front ...