Possible commands

Most menu items on the Control Display can be voiced as commands.

The available commands depend on which menu is currently displayed on the Control Display.

There are short commands for functions of the main menu.

Some list entries, e.g. Phone book entries, can also be selected via the voice activation system.

Speak these list entries exactly as they are displayed in the respective list.

See also:

Displaying contacts
General information 1. "Office" 2. "Contacts" All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. Depending on the number of contacts, an A-Z search is offered. A symbol indic ...

Like most up-level BMWs these days, the 650i can be equipped with a dizzying array of technological wizardry. Ours came equipped with an optional lane departure warning and correction system, adap ...

Current fuel consumption
Displays the current fuel consumption. You can check whether you are currently driving in an efficient and environmentally- friendly manner. Displaying the current fuel consumption 1. &q ...