Parking lamps
Switch position
: the vehicle lamps light
up on all sides, e.g., for parking.
Do not use the parking lamps for extended periods; otherwise, the battery may become discharged and it would then be impossible to start the engine.
When parking, it is preferable to switch on the one-sided roadside parking lamps.
See also:
Manual destination entry
General information
The system supports you in entering street
names and house numbers by automatically
completing the entry and providing entry comparisons.
Stored town/city and street names ca ...
Voice operation
Vehicles equipped with the voice activation system:
Vehicles not equipped with the voice activation
system: depending on the equipment, the mobile
phone can be voice operated as descri ...
Satellite radio
General information
The channels are offered in predefined packages.
The packages must be enabled by telephone.
Navigation bar overview
The functions of the navigation bar symbols can
also be ...