
The concept

The concept The system is used to detect critical driving situations that might lead to an accident. In in these situations, preventative protection measures are automatically undertaken to minimize the risk in the event of an accident as much as possible.

Critical driving situations may include:

▷ Full application of the brakes.

▷ Severe understeering.

▷ Severe oversteering.

If the vehicle includes the collision warning feature, impending collisions with vehicles driving ahead or stopped in front of you can also be detected within the system's range.

Personal responsibility Personal responsibility

The system cannot serve as a substitute for the driver's personal judgment of the traffic situation. The system may not always detect critical situations reliably and in a timely manner.

Adapt speed to traffic situation and drive alertly; otherwise, a risk to safety may result.


After the safety belt is buckled, the front belts are automatically tightened once after the vehicle is driven is away.

In critical driving situations, the following individual functions become active:

▷ The front belts are automatically tightened.

▷ Automatic closing of the windows.

▷ Automatic closing of the glass sunroof.

After a critical driving situation without an accident, the front belts are loosened again. All other systems can be restored to the desired setting.

If the belt tension does not loosen automatically, stop the vehicle and unbuckle the belt using the red button in the buckle. Fasten the belt before continuing on your trip.

    See also:

    Vehicle equipment
    All standard, country-specific and optional equipment that is offered in the model series is described in this chapter. Therefore, equipment is also described that is not available in a vehicle, ...

    Fuel quality
    Refuel with unleaded fuel only Do not use leaded fuel as this would permanently damage the catalytic converter. Do not refuel with ethanol Do not refuel with E85, i.e., fuel with an ethanol c ...

    General information
    Instructions for voice activation system, refer to page 22. To have the available spoken instructions read out loud: ›Voice commands‹ ...