
Comfort Access may not function properly if it experiences interference from external sources such as mobile phones, metal objects, overhead power lines, transmission towers, etc.

In this case, open or close the vehicle using the buttons on the remote control or use the integrated key in the door lock.

To subsequently start the engine, hold the remote control against the marked area on the steering column

    See also:

    Antilock Brake System ABS
    ABS prevents locking of the wheels during braking. The vehicle remains steerable even during full brake applications, thus increasing active safety. ABS is operational every time you start the e ...

    Selecting menu items
    Menu items shown in white can be selected. 1. Turn the controller until the desired menu item is highlighted. 2. Press the controller. Menu items in the Owner's Manual In the Owner's Manual, ...

    General information
    Contacts can be created and edited. The addresses can be used as destinations for navigation. ...