Connecting a particular mobile phone

If more than one mobile phone is detected by the vehicle, the mobile phone at the top of the list is connected. If a different detected cell phone is connected with the vehicle. A different mobile phone can be connected by selecting it.

1. "Telephone"
2. "Bluetooth® (phone)"
3. Select the mobile phone that is to be connected.

The functions assigned to the mobile phone before unpairing are assigned to the mobile phone when it is reconnected. If the mobile phone is already connected, these functions are deactivated.

    See also:

    General information
    The sound settings are stored for the remote control currently in use. ...

    Coolant temperature
    A warning lamp will come on if the coolant, and therefore the engine, becomes too hot. In addition, a message will appear on the Control Display. Check the coolant level ...

    Traffic Jump
    Traffic and weather information for a selected region is broadcast every few minutes. Selecting a region 1. "Radio" 2. "Satellite radio"3. Open "Options". 4. " ...