Arming and disarming the alarmsystem

General information

When you lock or unlock the vehicle, either with the remote control, Comfort Access or at the door lock the alarm system is armed or disarmed at the same time.

Door lock and armed alarm system

Unlocking via the door lock will trigger the alarm on some country-specific versions.

In order to terminate this alarm, unlock vehicle with the remote control or switch on the ignition, if necessary, by emergency detection of the remote control.

Tailgate and armed alarm system

The tailgate can be opened using the remote control, even if the alarm system is armed.

control Press the button on the remote control for approx. 1 second.

After the tailgate is closed, it is locked and monitored again by the alarm system. The hazard warning system flashes once.

In some vehicle equipment variants, the tailgate can only be opened using the remote control if the vehicle was unlocked first.

Panic mode

control Press the button on the remote control for at least 3 seconds.

Switching off the alarm

► Unlock the vehicle using the remote control.
► With Comfort Access: if you are carrying the remote control with you, pull on the door handle.

Indicator lamp on the interior rearview mirror

► The indicator lamp flashes briefly every

► The indicator lamp flashes briefly every 2 seconds:

The system is armed.

► The indicator lamp flashes after locking:

The doors, hood or tailgate is not closed properly, but the rest of the vehicle is secured.

After 10 seconds, the indicator lamp flashes continuously. Interior motion sensor and tilt alarm sensor are not active.

► The indicator lamp goes out after unlocking:

The vehicle has not been tampered with.

► The indicator lamp flashes after unlocking until the engine is started, but no longer than approx. 5 minutes:

An alarm has been triggered.

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