Roadside Assistance
At a glance
BMW Roadside Assistance* can be contacted if assistance is needed in the event of a breakdown.
Roadside Assistance* can also be contacted via a Check Control message.
Starting Roadside Assistance
Vehicles not equipped with BMW Assist or BMW TeleService
1. "ConnectedDrive"
2. "Roadside Assistance"
The Roadside Assistance number is displayed. If the mobile phone* is paired, a connection is established to Roadside Assistance.
Vehicles equipped with BMW Assist or BMW TeleService
1. "ConnectedDrive"
2. "Roadside Assistance"
3. "Start service"
TeleService Diagnosis*
TeleService Diagnosis enables the wireless transmission of detailed vehicle data that are important for vehicle diagnosis. These data are transmitted automatically.
After the data are transmitted, the voice connection to Roadside Assistance is re-established.
TeleService Help
TeleService Help enables an in-depth diagnosis of the vehicle by Roadside Assistance via wireless transmission.
TeleService Help can be started after a prompt by Roadside Assistance and the termination of the voice connection.
Starting TeleService Help
1. Park the vehicle in a safe place.
2. Set the parking brake.
3. The engine is running.
4. "TeleService Help"
After completion of TeleService Help, a voice connection is established to Roadside Assistance.
See also:
Intelligent use of advanced light technology
The optional High-Beam Assistant for the new BMW 3-Series Sedan provides
enhanced safety at night. The system automatically switches high beam on and
off, as conditions require, ensuring that the ...
Using voice activation
Activating the voice activation system
1. Press the button on the
2. Wait for the signal.
3. Say the command.
The command is displayed in the instrument
This symb ...
Vehicle equipment
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equipment that is offered in the model series is
described in this chapter. Therefore, equipment
is also described that is not available in a vehicle,
e ...