General information

The engine oil consumption is dependent on the driving style and driving conditions. Therefore, check the engine oil level after every refueling using the electronic engine oil level check.

    See also:

    Fuel quality
    Fuels that are marked on the gas pump as containing metal must not be used. Refuel only with unleaded gasoline without metallic additives. Do not refuel with any leaded gasoline or gasoline with ...

    Switching on/off
    Press the button. On: the LED lights up. Off: the LED goes out. The system can issue warnings at speeds above approx. 30 mph/50 km/h. The state is stored for the remote control currentl ...

    Front ventilation
    Front ventilation ▷ Lever for changing the air flow direction, arrow 1. ▷ Thumbwheels for opening and closing the vents continuously, arrows 2. ▷ Thumbwheel to vary the temp ...