Snow chains
Only certain fine-link snow chains have been tested by BMW, classified as safe for use and recommended. Consult your BMW center for more information. Snow chains must be mounted in pairs and on the rear wheels only. Observe the manufacturer's instructions when mounting snow chains. Do not exceed a speed of 30 mph/50 km/h with chains.
Do not initialize the Flat Tire Monitor if snow
chains are mounted; otherwise, the instrument might issue an incorrect reading.
When driving with snow chains, you may find it helpful to activate DTC temporarily.
See also:
Status display
1. "Vehicle Info"
2. "Vehicle status"
3. "TPM" ...
Inserting/removing the snap-in adapter
1. Press button 1 and remove the cover.
2. Insert the snap-in adapter at the front, arrow
1, and press down, arrow 2, until it engages.
To remove the snap-in adapter: press button 1.
Insert ...
System limits
Sudden tire damage
Sudden serious tire damage caused by
external influences cannot be indicated in advance.
The system does not operate correctly if it has
not been reset. For example, a flat t ...