Diagnosis OBD
On the driver's side is an OBD socket for checking components relevant to the composition of the vehicle's emissions.
See also:
Connecting a specific device
If more than one device is detected by the vehicle,
the device at the top of the list is connected.
A different device can be connected by selecting
1. "Telephone"
2. "Blueto ...
2010 BMW X5 Review
Aside from a low clatter at startup, there are few initial signs that BMW's diesel-powered X5 is a different sort of beast. Drive it you must, though, because diesel power is addictive. As is the ca ...
DVD changer
In the cargo area
The DVD changer is stored behind the left side
trim in the cargo area.
Controls and displays
1 Empty DVD compartments.
2 LED on DVD slot.
3 Buttons for DVD compartments.