The small warning
lamp flashes in yellow
and then lights up continuously;
the larger warning lamp comes on in
yellow. On the Control Display, the
tires are shown in gray and a message appears.
No flat tire can be detected.
Display in the following situations:
▷ If a wheel without TPM electronics is fitted,
for instance a compact wheel: have the
service center check it if necessary.
▷ Malfunction: have the system checked by
your service center.
▷ TPM could not be fully reset. Reset the system
▷ Disturbance by systems or devices with the
same radio frequency: after leaving the area
of the disturbance, the system automatically
becomes active again.
See also:
Service Request
At a glance
Sends information to your service partner to request
the arrangement of a service appointment.
The TeleService data is transmitted during
a Service Request. If possible, your service ...
What to do if...
The current transmission position cannot be
The vehicle is located in an unrecognized
region, is in a poor reception area, or the
system is currently determining the position. ...
Information in detail
Displays the estimated cruising range available
with the remaining fuel.
It is calculated based on your driving style over
the last 20 miles/30 km.
Average fuel consumption
This is calc ...