Overloading the vehicle
To avoid exceeding the approved carrying
capacity of the tires, never overload the vehicle.
Overloading can lead to overheating and increases the rate at which damage develops inside the tires. This could result in a sudden loss of tire inflation pressure.◀
No fluids in the cargo area
Make sure that fluids do not leak into the
cargo area; otherwise, the vehicle may be damaged.◀
See also:
Locking and unlocking
Locking and unlocking
Pressing the buttons locks and unlocks the
doors and the trunk lid when the front doors are
closed, but they are not secured against theft.
The fuel filler flap remains u ...
Saying commands
Activating voice activation system1. Press the button on the steering wheel.
2. Wait for the acoustic signal.
3. Say the command.
This symbol on the Control Display and
Use coasting conditions
When approaching a red light, take your foot off
the accelerator and let the vehicle coast to a halt.
On a downhill gradient, take your foot off the accelerator
and let the vehicle roll.
The flo ...