New contact
A contact can have up to 8 phone numbers, 2 addresses, 3 e-mail addresses and one Internet address.
1. "Office"
2. "Contacts"
3. Open "Options".
4. "New contact"
5. The entry fields are still filled with the previous
entries: "Delete input fields"
6. Fill in the entry fields: select the symbol next
to the entry field.
7. Enter the text and assign the contact type.
8. If the vehicle is equipped with a navigation
system: enter the address. Only addresses
contained in the navigation data in the vehicle
can be entered. This ensures that destination
guidance is possible for all addresses.
If necessary, "Accept address".
9. "Store contact in vehicle"
Contact types
Various contact types can be assigned to phone numbers and addresses.
Specifying the home address
A home address can be stored. It appears at the top of the contact list.
1. "Office"
2. "Contacts"
3. "Home"
4. Create a contact.
5. "Store contact in vehicle"
See also:
The concept
backup camera, refer to page 112, can be
switched on.
PDC supports you when parking. A slow approach
to an object in front of or behind your vehicle
is announced by:
▷ Signal tones.
Roadside Assistance
Service availability
Roadside Assistance can be reached around the
clock in many countries. You can obtain assistance
there in the event of a vehicle breakdown.
Roadside Assistance
The Roadside ...
Sport displays
In the Control Display, the current values for
power and torque can be displayed.
Displaying sport displays in the Control
1. "Vehicle Info"
2. "Sport displays" ...