Operating BMW Online

To start a search:

▷ Turn the controller to highlight an element.
▷ Press the controller to display an element.

Opening the start page

1. Open "Options".
2. "Display start page"

Opening the start page
Opening the start page

Loading a new page

1. Open "Options".
2. "Reload"


1. Open "Options".
2. "Cancel loading"

    See also:

    ▷ The installed BMW Assist system is logged in to a wireless communications network. This network must be capable of transmitting the services. ▷ To transmit position data, the vehic ...

    Interior motion sensor
    The windows and glass sunroof must be closed for the system to function properly ...

    Six-speed manual transmission as standard
    The sporty six-speed manual transmission in the new BMW 3-Series boasts an easy and precise shifting action and optimal ratio spacing. The lightweight, compact format and innovative, low-friction ...